The ‘Big 5’ business processes framework

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Business improvement as a whole can be thought of as a series of smaller improvements to the processes that make up a business’s activities. By being aware of the ‘Big 5’ key business processes, and knowing which tools you can use to improve them, you will be in a strong position to begin improving your business as a whole.

If you look at the everyday operations of a business, all can be categorised under 5 broad categories – known as the ‘Big 5’ key business processes. Business improvement should be broken down and addressed in these categories, and within these categories, more manageable improvements can be planned.

The ‘Big 5’ business processes are:

  1. Marketing
  2. Sales
  3. Fulfilment
  4. Relationship management
  5. Operations.

These processes cover the selling process all the way from customer acquisition to maintaining customer relationships for future sales, in addition, the whole progression is also underpinned by operational processes designed to keep everything running smoothly.

In order to give your business the best chance of succeeding, enough work needs to be done on each of these processes. This resource acts as a framework for business improvement, providing you with a way to structure your activities, and directing you to some relevant tools for improving each individual process.

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The ‘Big 5’ business processes framework

Download the resource document attached to this page to have a look at the smaller tasks involved with each process. Each section includes some recommended tools that you can use to improve each section. Some of these are linked below, and the site’s search function will help you find the rest.